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Becoming A DCX Member

Welcome to DCXWorld - The self-certified investment market place

As a DCX Member you are the deal-making gateway to DCX registered investors for your fund-seeking clients. They are constantly seeking out opportunities for further wealth creation through direct investment in and/or corporate venturing with early-stage and growing enterprises - your clients.
  They set their investment preferences in the DCX Newswire zone to receive instant notification of opportunities as they are posted by DCX Members. Only DCX Members have the exclusive right to post opportunities to the service. Details of how to post opportunities, a quick and uncomplicated process (existing Members have got it down to 30 seconds) will be sent to you in your welcome e-mail.  
  Prospective investors contact you directly for further details and the full business plan if appropriate, and you negotiate your own terms of business with your fund-seeking clients.  
  Your contact details are made available in the Seeking Funds zone, enabling those seeking direct private investment funding in your area to find you.  
  Your contact details appear in the DCX Fund Seeker's zone and, if you wish, you can upload your logo together with 200 words describing your practice.  

Register as a DCX Member, click HERE

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